God made my skin soak up the sun

He made my hair crown my head

Black woman

My hips and back, generous to stand firm against the wind

My hair they call kinky, coarse, unruly,

Is there as a reminder of my identity, my resilience.

Black woman

Relaxer could not bend it indefinitely,

Days after days new roots kept bursting,

Unapologetically curly fighting to rebuild the devastated crown on its own.

Fit in, flat, quiet you’re invisible to them, hence your dark skin

Nyanto, they don’t see color, they say,

Yet, you are the black dot on the white canvas.

Nyanto, My existence is a threat, I have to be ignored, silenced or destroyed.

Black woman

They locked me into a twerking doll,

They locked me into an angry black woman,

They locked me into the girl with the nasty attitude,

They locked me into the maid,

They locked me into the nanny,

They locked me into a prostitute.

Black woman

Nyanto, Stubborn like my curly hair,

Because God has equipped me for It,

I am each day rising, full of Melanin,

Ready to succeed, breaking all the locks.

Nyanto*: Woman, in Myene a Gabonese dialect
Inspired by those gorgeous illustrations, courtesy of Michael Badger [ Insta]
More form this thread here with  travel blogger Jo,  from Journey with Jo

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Woman , Gifted and Black #blackgirlmagik

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