Being a black woman is undoubtedly one of the things that I am extremely grateful for. I love every single part of my melanin-essence and wouldn’t trade it for anything. And I mean anything! Seriously, in my prayers, I thank God for making me a black woman—-no lie.

To me, a black woman is the epitome of all things regal and strong. Thinking of our history, the black woman has always been an integral part of life’s structure.

From Hatshepsut, one of the first women to hold the rank of Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt, to Harriet Tubman, transporting our ancestors up and down coastal America, and Hattie McDaniels, breaking down barriers in radio & tv, black women have been doing transformational things literally since the beginning of time. And that trajectory isn’t slowing down any time soon (or probably ever).

Thinking about my own self, carrying the illustrious Black Woman title in the current landscape one word comes to mind instantly: resilience. The ability to bounce back from what life throws at me is my specialty. My tough skin has been cultivated through years of hard knocks and unfortunate mishaps. But my handling of these integral moments of life is what allowed me to come out on top,

Strong black women

where others could not have said the same.
I live life to the beat of my own drum, and don’t take a moment to think about what others have to say about it. I’ve always been that way since I was a youth. This has unquestionably transcended into my passion for traveling, specifically traveling solo. At any moments notice, I can be on a plane, feeding my wanderlust desire with a change of scenery, people, and food. This is yet another thing I love about who I am, because I know what feeds me as a being and I make sure to not neglect that part of me.


To my fellow black women, I foremost will say, love yourself. I mean truly fall in love with who you are. From the physical you to the internal you, really take the time to learn about yourself. With all the distractions the 21st century has to offer (and hardships for the black culture in general), it is imperative to take planned moments to just be with yourself and no one else. Once you’ve done that , and have a keen sense of who you truly are, embrace it. If you’re able to do that, life becomes more authentically pleasurable. Trust me! Love the skin you’re in, and it will have no choice but to exude and transcend to others.

Black woman, you are all that and a bag of chips, and I love ya!

Follow her on Instagram @journeywithjo_ and at her website www.journeywithjo.com

More from the ‘I am a Black women’ thread , with the words of Ayana here

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Woman , Gifted and Black

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